Monday, September 12, 2016

Into the Woods September 9, 2016

Today we went into the forest for the first time! We were so excited when we got to school. To begin the day we all came up with a plan of what we wanted to do or see in the forest that day.  Then, we chose our animal names. Make sure to ask us what are names are! We all love our names!

Raccoon wants to see a ladybug in the forest today.
Moose wanted to roast marshmallows.
We were walking up to the forest. We were happy.  We were walking in a big line and played Fox and Mice. Ms. Koski was the fox.. We were the mice.  She ate ten of us and then eleven more.

Weasel and Grey fox were walking up the hill with our feet. We made sure to hold our buddies hand as we went into the woods for the first time.
We walked across the scary bridge. Wild Turkey was wondering where all the water was!
The walk to our forest classroom was hard, said Grey Squirrel. We were all so hungry when we got to the top. We sat next to the fire and ate snack.
Chipmunk and Opossum enjoyed their snack. Yum!
We sang on a rope while we were standing on a wire. It was hard to stand on it, said Red Backed Salamander.  Raccoon said many people fell down.
Bald Eagle, Robin, and Bobcat pulled out a big tree from the pile. They couldn't wait to build a fort!
Newt made a forest plan to climb a tree and he did!
Red Squirrel was holding a massive stick. He tried to make the trees fly.
Pileated Woodpecker climbed a tree.  She looked to see if she could climb higher. She decided that she had climbed far enough on that tiny tree.
Raccoon also climbed a tree.  She looked for different animals and birds in the tree. She did not find anything. Next time she wants to climb higher.
Bald Eagle, Red Tail Hawk, and Robin were building a fort. I can't wait to see it when they are finished.
Raccoon helped Bald Eagle put a big stick up on the fort.

Our first day in the woods was a success! We are excited to spend more time in the woods this week. We will get to pick our sit spots.

Mrs. Koski and Ms. Eckert

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